Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași

The first issue of the Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași was published in 1946, two years after the end of the Second World War, at the initiative of the illustrious Romanian researcher Dimitrie I. Mangeron.

About Bulletin journals

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Varius facilisi mauris sed sit. Non sed et duis dui leo, vulputate id malesuada non. Cras aliquet purus dui laoreet diam sed lacus, fames.


Varius facilisi mauris sed sit. Non sed et duis dui leo, vulputate id malesuada non. Cras aliquet purus dui laoreet diam sed lacus, fames.


Varius facilisi mauris sed sit. Non sed et duis dui leo, vulputate id malesuada non. Cras aliquet purus dui laoreet diam sed lacus, fames.


Under the umbrella of the Bulletin there are separate sections as distinct journals offering authors the opportunity to publish in all fundamental and interdisciplinary areas of engineering.

  • The Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Section is an opportunity for the exchange of scientific ideas and the linking of the bridges between the teachers, researchers, PhD students, specialists in different fields who are interested in the mentioned directions of study. Thus, the journal becomes a promoter of interdisciplinary collaboration, supporting the latest achievements in these areas and the development of new areas of research.

  • The Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Construction. Architecture Section is devoted to original and interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed papers on theoretical and applied research related to building materials and equipments, structural mechanics, roads and foundation. The Bulletin seeks to cover a wide range of topics regarding: Concrete Structures, Building Materials and Technology Composite Structures Transportation Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Civil and Industrial Engineering Building Equipment Engineering Structural Mechanics Seismic Hazard Studies and Methods for Mitigation of Earthquake Risks Architecture

  • The journal Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi (Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy), abridged as Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi  is published by "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi. The section Electrotehnică. Energetică. Electronică (Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering, Electronics) publishes research results of recent advances in rapidly changing fields of Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering, Electronics, Automatic Control and Computer Science.

  • The Materials Science and Engineering Section of Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi publishes original scientific articles and reviews in the fields of materials science, materials engineering and mechanical engineering and also in the fields of work safety and occupational hygiene.

  • The Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, Socio-Humanistic Sciences Section is a quarterly journal published by “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, Romania. It reflects the preoccupations of Romanian and foreign academics in the following fields: language and literature (applied linguistics, literary studies, theatrical and cinematic discourse, foreign language learning/teaching, translation studies); social sciences (education, psychology, philosophy, communication studies). The level of paper review is guaranteed by the existence of an international Editorial Board, which brings together specialists from Romania and abroad, and by the special attention given to the revision process of the papers proposed for publication. The journal is included in the CEEOL database and is issued both in printed and electronic format.

  • The aim of the journal is to publish the results of fundamental, applied or theoretical research of both Romanian and foreign authors, being edited in English. It is an academic platform interconnecting universities, research institutes and any other scientific, educational institution. It has a frequency of 4 annual numbers (quarterly). The following types of materials are accepted for publication: - original research work - review articles - book reviews - technical notes - addresses to the publisher - case studies - preliminary communications